
Type Definitions


An HD node fixture derived from the BIP39 seed phrase fixture.

Not all HD node fixtures have all properties below.

  • Object
Name Type Description
pub string

the (compressed) public key in hex

xpub string

the extended public key formatted for mainnet

tpub string

the extended public key formatted for testnet



A multisig address fixture. At least one of the public keys in the redeem/witness script for each address is derived from the BIP39 seed phrase fixture.

  • Object
Name Type Description
network module:networks.NETWORKS

bitcoin network

type module:multisig.MULTISIG_ADDRESS_TYPES

multisig address type

description string

describes the multisig address

bip32Path string

BIP32 derivation path to the public key used in this address from the BIP39 seed phrase fixture

publicKey string

(compressed) public key (in hex) corresponding to BIP32 path

publicKeys Array.<string>

(compressed) public keys (in hex) (order matters)

multisigScriptHex string

multisig script in hex (redeem/witneess script as appropriate)

multisigScriptOps string

multisig script in opcodes (redeem/witneess script as appropriate)

redeemScriptHex string

redeem script in hex (missing for P2WSH)

redeemScriptOps string

redeem script in opcodes (missing for P2WSH)

witnessScriptHex string

witness script in hex (missing for P2SH)

witnessScriptOps string

witness script in opcodes (missing for P2SH)

address string

bitcoin address

scriptHex string

script in hex

scriptOps string

script in opcodes

multisig module:multisig.Multisig

Multisig object for address

utxos Array.<module:transactions.UTXO>

UTXOs at this address

braidDetails module.braid.Braid

details to construct the braid where this Multisig address resides

changeBraidDetails module.braid.Braid

details to construct the change braid where the Change Multisig address resides (if needed)

psbt string

unsigned psbt of the Transaction

psbtPartiallySigned string

psbt that has a single set of signatures inside for the open source words



A transaction fixture with inputs from one or more multisig addresses.

Each address contains at least one public key derived from the BIP39 seed phrase fixture.

The signatures in these transaction fixtures can therefore be created by any keystore which loads this seed phrase.

The inputs to these transactions should survive as the other signature(s) required to spend them cannot be produced publicly (their private keys are held by Unchained Capital).

  • Object
Name Type Description
description string

describes the transaction

network module:networks.NETWORKS

bitcoin network

segwit boolean

does the transaction have segwit inputs?

bip32Paths Array.<string>

BIP32 paths to the public key derived from the BIP39 seed phrase fixture, one per input

publicKeys Array.<string>

(compressed) public keys (in hex) corresponding to each BIP32 path, one per input

inputs Array.<module:transactions.UTXO>

transaction inputs

outputs Array.<module:transactions.TransactionOutput>

transaction outputs

hex string

unsigned transaction in hex

signature Array.<string>

one signature for the transaction (consisting of one signature per input)
